Recently Sold Properties

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  213 11 Avenue NE Sundre

213 11 Avenue NE

Sundre, Alberta

This home in Sundre was on the real estate market for 17 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Dylan Topolnisky and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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  5720 58 Avenue Olds

5720 58 Avenue

Olds, Alberta

This home in Olds was on the real estate market for 32 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Dylan Topolnisky and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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  42, 567 Edmonton Trail NE Airdrie

42, 567 Edmonton Trail NE

Airdrie, Alberta

This home in Airdrie was on the real estate market for 13 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Dylan Topolnisky and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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  38524 Rge Rd 22-1 Rural Stettler

38524 Rge Rd 22-1

Rural Stettler, Alberta

This home in Rural Stettler was on the real estate market for 28 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Dylan Topolnisky and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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  146 Evanscrest Gardens NW Calgary

146 Evanscrest Gardens NW

Calgary, Alberta

This home in Calgary was on the real estate market for 12 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Dylan Topolnisky and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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  4514 44 AvenueClose Rocky Mountain House

4514 44 AvenueClose

Rocky Mountain House, Alberta

This home in Rocky Mountain House was on the real estate market for 31 days and SOLD for asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Dylan Topolnisky and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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