Recently Sold Properties

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  5 Elwell Close Red Deer

5 Elwell Close

Red Deer, Alberta

This home in Red Deer was on the real estate market for 6 days and SOLD above asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Dylan Topolnisky and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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  5443 Home Street Swan Hills

5443 Home Street

Swan Hills, Alberta

This home in Swan Hills was on the real estate market for 187 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Dylan Topolnisky and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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  4421 55 Avenue Olds

4421 55 Avenue

Olds, Alberta

This home in Olds was on the real estate market for 162 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Dylan Topolnisky and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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  9 Silvertip Drive Rural Foothills

9 Silvertip Drive

Rural Foothills, Alberta

This home in Rural Foothills was on the real estate market for 123 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Dylan Topolnisky and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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  314 Sundown Road Cochrane

314 Sundown Road

Cochrane, Alberta

This home in Cochrane was on the real estate market for 57 days and SOLD for asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Dylan Topolnisky and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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  6731 Malvern Road NE Calgary

6731 Malvern Road NE

Calgary, Alberta

This home in Calgary was on the real estate market for 31 days and SOLD below asking price.

Become a Preferred Client with Dylan Topolnisky and get exclusive access to pricing on this SOLD Listing.

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